Your own Body - An exciting voyage of discovery

Online learning through video presentations, inspiring images of the body and guidance by experts in anatomy

Start on your Body Intelligence Anatomy studies 

The Body Intelligence Anatomy course is for anyone interested in anatomy and how their body works.

It is also a self - study way to qualify for our Body Intelligence Foundation Training.

The perfect way to learn and qualify in your own time and at your own pace.

Embodied Biology

The course is for anyone interested in learning about their biology in both a factual and experiential way. The course will explore embodiment through feeling and sensing as well as taking in information. There will be guidance around experiencing your own anatomy and physiology through awareness exercises. The experiential work is designed to give you a sensory perception of you own body through felt sense.

Holistic Anatomy

Learn with Ged Sumner, Nancy Schrauth and Nirali Raphael

The course will focus on the vitality of the body, with a commitment to learning that is both informative and enjoyable. Particular attention will be paid to relating structure and function to the living body and how it functions as a whole.

Learn Living Anatomy Online

Check out the free introduction to this exciting online course. There are 9 modules with 5-10 units per module. Each offering a thorough look into how that aspect of your body works. Each unit has relevant text, video presentations, awareness exercises and a quiz. You can work your way through the program at your own pace. There is also an online forum for any questions or queries. On successful completion you get a certificate for 100 hours of anatomy and physiology study.

Meet your tutors

Ged Sumner

Director & Tutor

Ged Sumner is a practicing Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapist and Chi Kung Teacher. He has also studied shiatsu, healing and attachment based psychoanalytical psychotherapy. He has taught Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy since 1995. He is the director of Body Intelligence Training which offers BCST courses internationally. He regularly teaches postgraduate workshops.

Nancy Schrauth


Dr. Schrauth currently lives and has a bodywork practice in the Twin Cities of Minnesota. Since young she was interested in natural, holistic, health, she followed her instincts to pursue the source of Health.

Nirali Raphael


Nirali is a practicing Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapist in Kochi, India. She qualified as a Physiotherapist in London, UK. Her interest in Craniosacral Therapy started during her physiotherapy training and she completed two seminars in Mechanical CST in UK and USA.

Body Intelligence Anatomy Course

Course Outline

One - Basics

study aids, anatomy terminology

Two - Boney Body

bone, cranium, joints, pelvis, ribs, spine

Three - Nervous Body

brain, chord, cranial nerves, limbic system, nerves and segments, neurons and glial cells, special senses

Four - Endocrine Body

endocrine cascade, HPA axis, pancreas, pineal, thyroid, reproduction

Five - Connective Tissue Body

connective tissues, muscles, fascia, skin and membranes

Six - Circulatory Body

blood, circulation, diaphragm, heart, lungs

Seven - Fluid Cell Body

cells, embyrology, kidneys, receptors

Eight - Visceral Body

autonomic nervous system, liver, stomach, colon, intestines

Nine - Immune Body

bone marrow, lymphatics, disease, spleen/lymphoid organs, vagus nerve

About Us

Body Intelligence Anatomy is a venture by Relational Field Inc (Canada)


Ged Sumner and Heidi Lauber

For more about Body Intelligence and its Foundation Training and Advanced Courses in Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy click here


© Copyright Body Intelligence 2021

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